is merely a tool to place a grid with numbers over a picture. Please use responsible, please respect copyright of pictures. doesn't save any pictures or personal data.
Battlenips how to:
How to make your own battlenips?
You can make your own battle nips on 1) Upload a picture 2) Set options 3) Download & share
What is battle nips?
Battle nips (derived from the game battle ships) is a game you can play among friends which allows you to guess the location of niples in a picture with a hidden grid over it.
Where can i find battle nips answer?
At you can create you own Answers / solutions, just download both the answer and the queston picture form the app and share this in the desired order with your friends.
For feedback or questions please mail:
Have fun!
0.3.4 - Classic battleships grid
0.3.3 - Download by clicking
0.3.2 - Remember options (cookies)
0.3.1 - Download option: hi-res / grid opacity
0.3.0 - Resizable grid
0.2.6 - Wider styles, better menu
0.2.5 - Smaller code (faster to download)
0.2.4 - Share options
0.2.3 - Zoom options improved
0.2.2 - Better ios download
0.2.1 - Improved scaling options
0.2 - New design / better mobile workings
0.1 - Frist version